A brief history of Japan...
10,000 B.C.- 300 B.C. Jomon Period; Skillful fishing developed; Clay figures made; Basic agriculture began; Government structure began
300 B.C.- 250 A.D. Yayoi Period; Bronze tools first appeared; Permanent farming villages established; Cloth woven
250 A.D.- 538 A.D. Kufon Period; Highly aristocratic society; Armor and weapons common
538 A.D.- 710 A.D. Asuka Period; Arrival of Buddhism; Significant artistic, social and political changes
710 A.D.- 784 A.D. Nara Period; Capitol of Nara established; Efforts to document history and literature began; Widespread of written language
784 A.D.- 1185 A.D. Heian Period; The peak of Japan's art, poetry and literature; Considered a high point in Japanese Culture
1185 A.D.- 1333 A.D. Kamakura Period; Said to be the Beginning of the Japanese middle ages
1333 A.D.- 1336 A.D. Kemmu Period; Three years in between the fall of Kamakura Shogunate and the rise of Ashikaga Shogunate
1336 A.D.- 1573 A.D. Muromachi Period; The early years are known as the Nanboku- cho Court Period and the later years are known as the Sengoku Period
1573 A.D.- 1603 A.D. Azuchi- Momoyama Period; This Period is named after their castles, The Azuchi Castle and the Momoyama castle
1603 A.D.- 1867 A.D. Edo Period; Beginning of the Edo
1600 A.D. Battle of Sekigahara
1707 A.D. The eruption of Mount Fuji
1868 A.D.- 1912 A.D. Meiji Period; Japan started modernizing
1912 A.D.- 1926 A.D. Taisho Period; The period of "Great Righteousness"
1926 A.D.- 1989 A.D. Showa Period; Emperor Hirihito ruled Japan
1941 A.D. December 7th Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
1945 A.D. August 6th First atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima
1989 A.D.- Present Heisei Period; Japan's current period named by Emperor Akihito after the death of his father, Hirohito, the Showa emperor
...or maybe not so brief. :-)
10,000 B.C.- 300 B.C. Jomon Period; Skillful fishing developed; Clay figures made; Basic agriculture began; Government structure began
300 B.C.- 250 A.D. Yayoi Period; Bronze tools first appeared; Permanent farming villages established; Cloth woven
250 A.D.- 538 A.D. Kufon Period; Highly aristocratic society; Armor and weapons common
538 A.D.- 710 A.D. Asuka Period; Arrival of Buddhism; Significant artistic, social and political changes
710 A.D.- 784 A.D. Nara Period; Capitol of Nara established; Efforts to document history and literature began; Widespread of written language
784 A.D.- 1185 A.D. Heian Period; The peak of Japan's art, poetry and literature; Considered a high point in Japanese Culture
1185 A.D.- 1333 A.D. Kamakura Period; Said to be the Beginning of the Japanese middle ages
1333 A.D.- 1336 A.D. Kemmu Period; Three years in between the fall of Kamakura Shogunate and the rise of Ashikaga Shogunate
1336 A.D.- 1573 A.D. Muromachi Period; The early years are known as the Nanboku- cho Court Period and the later years are known as the Sengoku Period
1573 A.D.- 1603 A.D. Azuchi- Momoyama Period; This Period is named after their castles, The Azuchi Castle and the Momoyama castle
1603 A.D.- 1867 A.D. Edo Period; Beginning of the Edo
1600 A.D. Battle of Sekigahara
1707 A.D. The eruption of Mount Fuji
1868 A.D.- 1912 A.D. Meiji Period; Japan started modernizing
1912 A.D.- 1926 A.D. Taisho Period; The period of "Great Righteousness"
1926 A.D.- 1989 A.D. Showa Period; Emperor Hirihito ruled Japan
1941 A.D. December 7th Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
1945 A.D. August 6th First atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima
1989 A.D.- Present Heisei Period; Japan's current period named by Emperor Akihito after the death of his father, Hirohito, the Showa emperor
...or maybe not so brief. :-)
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