Konnichiwa bloggers. This is the first blog I've done so it's probably not going to be the best blog you've ever read (Hopefully I'll get better at it as I write more). Anyway, as you know my name is Robert Veale. I'm a 12 year old boy who was born in Wales and moved to America at a very young age. Now, you might be wondering why instead of the basic "Hello" or "Welcome" I put "Konnichiwa" at the beginning of my blog. That's because I'm teaching myself Japanese. I've just always wanted to go to Japan (and I can guarantee that some day I will go). I think I'm getting pretty good at it. I could probably have a very basic conversation with someone in Japan just to figure out how to get places or to tell how much something is or even read a menu. There is actually an article on how I'm learning Japanese on my Mom's blog. http://www.heatherveale.blogspot.com/
My other family members are my younger sister, Emma, and my Dad (and my two cats), but that's enough about me for now. Be sure to look for my other posts coming soon (as soon as I can think of something else to write about). ~Robert
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